Some hot technologies in cosmetic surgery:
- Fotona Laser Treatments
- Plastic surgery lasers
- Customizable implants
- Stem cells and growth factors
- Facelift
- Breast augmentation
- Body contouring
SAN DIEGO – Plastic Surgery, the annual scientific meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation (PSEF) and the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons (ASMS), will host the extremely popular program “Emerging Trends – Hot Topics in Cosmetic Surgery.” The course, which centers around presentations and assessments of innovative and progressive technology and techniques in cosmetic surgery, runs from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Oct. 25 at the San Diego Marriot Hotel/Marina.
Approximately 20 surgeons and representatives will each give a five-minute presentation on a new technology or technique, ranging from injectables to nanotechnology. After each topic is presented, an expert provides additional, often contrasting, perspectives on the emerging technology.
“Injectable fillers and the reintroduction of silicone breast implants will probably get the most buzz at this year’s ‘Hot Topics,'” according to Brian Kinney, MD , PSEF Emerging Trends Task Force member. “With more than 30 fillers on the market around the world, injectables will clearly be a dominant issue at the symposium,” he said. “Because we expect such a buzz, a history of natural fillers will be presented and the floor will be opened for discussion. There are a lot of questions surrounding injectables, such as how long should they last? Do we want them to last for three years or three months? And how long is it safe for them to be in the body?”
With silicone breast implants having been reviewed by the FDA earlier this month, Dr. Kinney believes any technology connected to the improvement of implants will get attention this year. In fact, one presentation is scheduled to discuss coating breast implants with titanium.
Mesotherapy will also be discussed at the symposium, although Dr. Kinney commented that this technique has gotten a lot of attention but hasn’t proven itself yet. Radio frequency techniques will also be discussed. These have been evolving over last several years in orthopedics and have been applied to skin resurfacing with some success, Now there are efforts to try to lift the face and breast with similar techniques. This will require much more study before any conclusion on efficacy can be drawn. Finally, some nanotechnology (the technology of micro-miniaturization) theories will be presented, offering a glimpse at what the future may bring to plastic surgery.
“This year, along with presenting new technology and techniques, we are going to look back over the years to assess what we thought then and what we know now,” said Leroy Young, MD , program chair, PSEF Emerging Trends Task Force. “By looking at the past and present, we will highlight what has been here before and succeeded, which will allow us to better assess the future success of technology presented today.”
ASPS, founded in 1931, is the largest plastic surgery organization in the world and the foremost authority on cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. ASPS represents physicians certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) or The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. For referrals to ABPS-certified plastic surgeons in your area and to learn more about cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery, call the ASPS at (888) 4-PLASTIC (1-888-475-2784) or visit .
The subjects presented at “Emerging Trends – Hot Topics in Cosmetic Surgery” are procedures/technologies currently under investigation and are presented for research and educational purposes. All presented technology and techniques will need more scientific study to determine efficacy and success rate. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation do not endorse the procedures/technologies presented in the course and recommend that any reporting of the presented information be done responsibly with full disclosure of their unproven nature.
Note: Reporters can register to attend Plastic Surgery by logging on to or by contacting ASPS Public Relations at (847) 228-9900 or in San Diego, October 25-29 at (619) 525-6241.
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