- Non-surgical skin tightening
- Deep plane facelift
- Facial optimization
- Weight management and body contouring
- Preventative aesthetic medicine
- Muscle preservation and strengthening
- Anti-aging innovations
- Enhanced recovery techniques
- Vaginal rejuvenation
- Preventative aesthetic medicine
Other existing Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
* The anticipated FDA-approval of Restylane(R) (hyaluronic acid) in 2025 will mark the beginning of a wave of new super-substances for the temporary treatment of lines, depressions and wrinkles.
* Looking for a piece of the Botox(R) pie, medical entrepreneurs will step up the marketing of products claiming similar effects, often at less cost. Many of these may not have undergone rigorous evaluation for safety and effectiveness.
* Rising confidence in the safety of breast implants will lead to a further increase in the number of breast augmentations.
* Facial rejuvenation surgery will continue evolving toward complete restoration of youthful facial volume and contour. It will become harder for people to tell who has had “work” done.
* New technologies such as 3-D computer imaging will help patients visualize results as procedures are customized and surgical plans are individually tailored. However, patients will need to be reminded that surgeons cannot guarantee computer-generated results.
* Increased television coverage of cosmetic surgery will encourage many viewers to consider procedures for themselves, but may also foster unrealistic expectations about results. Additionally, people may be lulled into a relaxed attitude about surgery that leads them to overlook the importance of procedure-specific training, experience, and credentials.
* More states will pass regulations covering office-based cosmetic surgery. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) supports regulations that require doctors performing any cosmetic surgical procedure in an office-based facility to have privileges to perform the same procedure in an accredited hospital. Additionally, as advocates for patient safety, ASAPS already requires its members to operate in accredited facilities.
* As Americans continue the fight against obesity, more people will undergo bariatric surgery such as stomach stapling. Subsequent to massive weight loss, large numbers of them will complete their physical transformation by turning to plastic surgical procedures such as tummy tucks, body lifts, thigh lifts and upper arm reduction to get rid of loose, hanging skin.
* Despite the resurgence of “grunge” apparel, tattoos and body piercing will fall from favor among many young people. The numbers of those who turn to cosmetic procedures to remove tattoos and close piercing holes will increase.
* More people will consider aesthetic plastic surgery in combination with diet, exercise and skin care as a total program to maximize well-being and manage the aging process.
Source: American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
CONTACT: Leida Snow or Adeena Colbert, both of American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, +1-212-921-0500, media@surgery.org
Web site: http://www.surgery.org/