A new survey shows that more than half (54%) of all Americans approve of cosmetic plastic surgery and nearly one-quarter (24%) say they would consider having cosmetic surgery themselves, either now or in the future. The February 2003 consumer attitudes poll of 1000 American households was commissioned by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) and conducted by the independent research firm Synovate (formerly Market Facts).
Whether people are married or unmarried has little to do with whether or not they would consider cosmetic surgery; 24% of married Americans and 25% of unmarried Americans said they would consider cosmetic surgery.
Women are more likely than men to contemplate cosmetic surgery; nearly one-third (30%) of women said they would consider having cosmetic surgery, compared to 18% of men. But many of those who might not want surgery themselves say it has nothing to do with what others might think. More than three-quarters (77%) of all women and 74% of all men said that if they had cosmetic surgery, they would not be embarrassed if other people knew about it.
“Most people today see nothing unusual about men and women wanting to improve their appearance by having cosmetic plastic surgery,” says ASAPS President Franklin DiSpaltro, MD. “People are living longer, and they want to enjoy life more. Looking good is part of feeling good, and that is what’s important to people.”
Even though approval of cosmetic surgery among people under 35 is high (56%), younger people are more likely than older Americans to want to keep their cosmetic surgery a secret. Twenty-four percent (24%) of 18-to-34 year olds said they would not want people outside their family and close friends to know they had undergone cosmetic surgery, compared to only 8% of 55-to-64 year olds.
“It’s not surprising that people are very comfortable about having cosmetic surgery to help reverse the signs of aging, when they still feel young and vigorous in so many other ways,” says Dr. DiSpaltro. “But no matter what your age, cosmetic surgery should not be about changing who you are; it’s about achieving harmony between how you look on the outside and how you feel inside.”
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) is the leading organization of plastic surgeons certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) who specialize in cosmetic surgery of the face and the entire body.